Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Bad Mood

 Election day and I spend it at a small outpost with a bunch of heavily armed deranged racist hillbillies. I wish more people would use birth control.


Shannon said...


Thought about you last night, and wished you were home to celebrate with your family.

This is a NEW day.

Colleen said...

such a fine representation of our diverse country...

David M said...

Not to piss you off, but that's a pretty intolerant position for someone of your standing to take.

Unknown said...

hmmm...intolernance of those who are not open-minded or theselves tolerant or even accepting. Is this a double standard? It's easy to be tolerant of others who are also tolernt of your own beliefs. When other's refuse to let me have my own thoughts, religion (or lack thereof) and political viewpoints without hassle (or worse)THAT is unacceptable.
To me, tolerance is for others' beliefs and viewpoints, not their actions that affect non-believers in their dogma.

Unknown said...

I think I would feel exactly the same as Lefty. Being in an isolated position would be tough enough, being there with people who were vehemiently against what you believe in would be devistating.

The Left Captain said...

Ya, bad thing to say, but I couldn't publish some of things they said-- racist slurs, comments about how Obama should be "taken out"-- some pretty awful stuff, and it was all delivered with southern accents. I am intolerant of assassination comments and yes, I could have left off the "hillbilly".