Monday, April 28, 2008

No son, that isn't Gatorade

The Army. A couple of initial observations, I’m sure I will have more. First off I think there is a disproportionate number of short NCO’s and officers in the Army. Yes, I’m tall and everyone probably seems short to me, but I’m not kidding; it seems like most of the Army guys here are very short. I swear that I haven’t seen an Army NCO or officer who is taller than about 5’7”. It seems like height is normally distributed among USAF personnel and the junior enlisted Army. I don’t know if it’s this part of the country or if the Army attracts and keeps short men. I just think it’s weird. Yes, I have an interpretation for that but I’ll keep it to myself. My brother in law will love these comments.

The second Army thing I’ve noticed (and just as funny) is that everything Army has to be stated in excruciatingly concrete terms. A few examples:

From tactical combat casualty care:
“Determine if the casualty is alive or dead. Provide tactical care to the LIVE casualty.

From the “Law of War”:
“Soldiers treat civilians humanely”.

The funniest one was at the gym (the last one isn’t funny). The spray bottles of bright blue cleaning solution hanging near all the exercise equipment say in hand written big black letters: “DO NOT DRINK”.

I think all of this has to do with the Army recruiting standards, or maybe it’s just Army. Now that’s funny. Hooah.

In all fairness, I am looking forward to seeing what they do right, which is without a doubt the combat side of things.


Colleen said...

Jason, you crack me up. Better watch out...signed, your short wife

Unknown said...

Colleen...I think what he actually means to say is that he doesn't actually wear the pants in your family...he just tries to give the appearance he does :)

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA! Crying laughing... Not sure what is funnier... the blue gatorade sign or the 11 min mile standard. Or the midget officers jealousy of my very handsome, tall, fast, smart cuz!

Keep on writing.. I love this glimpse into the army world and your life! My thoughts are with you. xoxo Josi