Thursday, January 15, 2009

Seven movies later...

At 2am on January 10th the World Airways DC-10 left Manas. I was seated in an aisle seat with four empty seats to my left.

I sunk into the seat with my iPod and tried to sleep. Three movies and two meals later we landed in Leipzig Germany for fuel and a crew change.

We disembarked into a large departure lounge area. There were clean bathrooms, comfortable chairs, a store, telephones and internet kiosks.

I took twenty minutes to call home and send a few emails. I browsed the store and picked out some chocolate to bring home but the lines were long-- stacked with Afghanistan-bound Soldiers from the 10th Mountain Division.

Another four movies and three meals and we had started our descent into BWI.

When we touched down a huge cheer went up from the rows of Soldiers and Airmen.

We were back on US soil.


tiffany said...

Glad that you are back home and safe! :)

Anonymous said...

Welcome home!

Anonymous said...

I have a question for you regarding the MilBlog Conference. If you could email me at greyhawk-at-mudvillegazette-dot-com.

Welcome home, enjoy.

Mrs Greyhawk