Friday, August 22, 2008

Random Sights...

I don't know the story behind this but it's kind of funny. There is a barbed-wire fence that is enclosing, well, nothing. So I guess that's the joke.

This is the Afghan bakery on the FOB-- if you enlarge the photo you can read the advertising painted on the outside of the building. Mostly he supplies naan to the Afghan mercenaries who live on the FOB. They heat the ovens with a wood fire and whenever I run by this place in the mornings I choke on the thick wood smoke. I think sometimes he burns plastic too-- probably just burns all of his garbage in there, or at least it smells like it.


Anonymous said...

have you tried the naan? what if you asked for garlic naan to kill some of the cooties. i bet it's really good ~c

Nichole said...

Looks very clean. Love the phonetic spelling.