Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Two Good Things and One Bad Thing In Afghanistan...

Walking back from the latrines the FOB is completely blacked out and I had to let my eyes adjust for a moment and switch off my blue LED. The moon is gone and the wind was relatively calm today, keeping the clouds of dust out of the sky.  I looked up and saw, for the first time here, the big white streak of the Milky Way.  
Completely clear and beautiful, all those stars. I've missed seeing them with as much clarity as I remember them from all those nights at 10000ft in the Sierra Nevada.
That's one good thing about being in Afghanistan.
Another good thing is that I survived my first two convoys (although one was much more unsettling than the other) but I'll need to post that story tomorrow.
A bad thing is that I've got a touch of "Osama's Revenge", if you know what I mean.
That's what's called "too much self disclosure".
I'll stop now.
To bed.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your first good thing (walking back from the latrines in full-battle-rattle) is not a good thing to combine with your one bad thing...if you know what I mean.

Looking forward to hearing about your convoys.