Sunday, July 27, 2008


Not much to report from here. SSgt R left for our first mission down to the south of our territory. It is expected to be uneventful, other than dealing with delays in air travel. I maintain a presence here and wait for the local operations to calm down, and then I'll be headed east to another outpost. My goal is for us to visit all of our FOBs by the end of September. This will effectively split our time here, with the first half (July-September) being spent establishing a presence, and then we'll come up with some kind of plan for the second half (October-December).

A current excitement on the FOB is related to the upcoming football season. There's a TV in the chow-hall, so people are dreaming of 2am football parties. I'm sure I'll be there.


The Wolf Family said...

Hello Captain Prinster. We don't know each other, but I know your son Luke and your wife from the Kids' Co-op. I have been following your blog ever since your wife shared the information with us. I just wanted you to know that I appreciate and admire you for what you are doing. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to leave loved ones behind to go to such a dismal place. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and all of the other men and women that are over there doing whatever it takes to serve our country. God Bless! Stacey Wolf

The Left Captain said...

Thanks for your thoughts! I appreciate the support. I'll be happy to see the kids-coop again in January or February!