Sunday, July 6, 2008

Leaving Las Vegas

Thanks for all the calls and emails. I have felt the love. I depart Las Vegas tomorrow morning.

We had a great weekend here, spent doing what we usually do on weekends. I tried to soak up every last little bit, paying attention to each moment, knowing that in only 24 hours I will keenly miss even the most mundane and annoying aspects of my domestic life. I think the lesson for me is that there is really no such thing as a throw-away moment. Wouldn't it be nice if we knew that from the start?

In the early morning I have to meet some USAF people at the airport to pick up my weapons and then I'm off. Coll and the kids will drive me there and drop me off at the curb. Some people I spoke with about leaving suggested I arrange to leave the kids with someone, to avoid a scene at the airport. I laughed at the idea, because I would never do it and the kids wouldn't stand for it. I want them to know that I am leaving on an airplane, in my uniform, with big bags of stuff that they helped pack. I want them to know that I am going on a long trip because people come back home from trips-- to ride my bike, wear my clothes in the closet, play monster on the living room floor. There won't be a dry eye... I just hope that I can shake Luke off my leg.

I still haven't done a dry run on the bag drag (whether or not my full load is movable) and I've been pretty lax on the physical conditioning over the past month, so if I get to Afghanistan without a ruptured disc or pulled muscles it will be a miracle.

If friends and family are reading this (I don't know who else would be...) all I ask is that you keep an eye out for my family, give them a call or plan a visit.

I don't leave the country until Tuesday night so I'll still be taking and making phone calls through that night. I'll post on the blog through Tuesday but will probably go silent until Thursday or Friday, depending on when I next get access to a network connection.

Take care and I love you all!

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